Fire your Lawn Care Provider

Fire your Lawn Care Provider

Your lawn care provider may be costing you money and a LOT of it! If your lawn care provider is engaged in a synthetic program to provide their service you may be wasting more in water if you were engaged in a Biological system. If your service provider has never used...
Overcoming a Mindset

Overcoming a Mindset

Unless you are over the age of 125 you would not think that the use of synthetic fertilizers is abnormal as you have been using them your entire life. In our awakening a few years ago after speaking with a farmer that led us to the concept of regenerative agriculture...
When Lawns Are Lost

When Lawns Are Lost

This year we saw a lot of lawns that were damaged. This was very predictable and expected as far back as June of 2021 when we saw the May rainfall with 70° temperatures and almost a years worth of rain five way to mid 90’s a zippo when it came to precipitation....
The Effects of Shallow Watering

The Effects of Shallow Watering

There is a right way and a wrong way to water a lawn. There is a lot of confusion about proper watering and what it is actually intended for. The purpose is simple, water is a carrying mechanism for the flow of nutrients into the cells of the plant. It regulates plant...
Our Biological Method

Our Biological Method

In the Fall of 2017 we recognized that there was a problem in how we were providing fertilization for our customers. We were heavily dependent on mechanical means to fix issues in our customers lawns and we also recognized that our customers would call us in the...
See This?

See This?

See the picture of this lawn? This is our flagship lawn, not perfect but let me tell you about it because it is exactly what you want. First of all this lawn is properly hydrated but it is only watered once per week, in 90 degree heat with little variation. It turns...
Unabhängigkeit (Free Yourself)

Unabhängigkeit (Free Yourself)

Leave it to the Germans (me being one of them) to come up with really long hard to pronounce words with very simple meanings. Unabhängigkeit,  is the German word for Freedom or Independence. Now you know some German (Try looking up Unabhängigkeitserklärungen, they...
A Good Fall Strategy

A Good Fall Strategy

Right now is where people set the stage for the upcoming spring. All of the work to get the lawn hopefully into a better shape will lead to an even better one next spring IF you don’t stop right now. Let me explain. Right now is when the lawn can be severely...
This is what we are after…

This is what we are after…

This is what we are after, a beautiful, healthy, resilient lawn that you can enjoy. That uses water efficiently (less), eliminates toxic chemicals, greens up earlier (without help) and stays greener longer into the winter (doesn’t turn brown). OK, that sounds...
The Case for Automation (Robotic Mowing)

The Case for Automation (Robotic Mowing)

Change is certainly in the air. Modern technology such as AI & 4G connectivity, coupled with battery capability and older technologies such as GPS and well, uh, mechanical mower have brought us robotic mowing. But why have you never heard of a near 30-year-old...
The Light at the End of the Tunnel

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Do you feel like having a great looking lawn is futile? Do you feel like It is just too expensive? You are not alone. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. See it? No it is not that light. That is a train wreck waiting to happen. OK, maybe the train/tunnel...
Let’s Talk about Thatch

Let’s Talk about Thatch

Thatch, that grossly misunderstood part of your lawn that causes so many issues that is supposed to be there but not really, let’s dig in. Thatch simply defined is the dead root growth of the lawn. It is normal to have in a bluegrass lawn but is often overgrown...
A Cry for Help

A Cry for Help

In 2017 I hit a wall, so to speak. We had been operating under a system that was status quo and while I was able to excel under this paradigm, it was problematic as I could never seemingly really fix the problems that we were having and seeing in our customer’s...
Is this the End? The Rise of the Machines!

Is this the End? The Rise of the Machines!

Lord have Mercy, the machines are coming to take away our jobs and then kill us! Well, hold on now, we are getting way ahead of ourselves. First of all, have you ever heard of Robotic Mowing? Probably not, and that would be the norm to about 98-99% of the American...
Our Strategy…

Our Strategy…

There are two paths for our turf lawns: The synthetic path and the biological path. As we have discussed previously most of the problems that we face that are considered normal operating factors (compaction, thick thatch, frequent watering, heavy inputs of chemicals)...
Reestablish the Relationship

Reestablish the Relationship

Plants and soil should be viewed as one, not separate components. There should be a relationship between the root of a plant and the soil via the microbiology in the soil. This relationship has been destroyed by the use of synthetic fertilizers and has made the grass...