Last Updated on August 29, 2023 by ILGM Ninjas

I want you to read this statement about five times and decide whether this is a good mentality after the last 18 months of less than ideal weather, specifically precipitation. There is a certain class of person that views their landscape as a chore, really do not appreciate it and are eager to stop dealing with the process of service and upkeep, we get it, some people are more of an “indoor person” and a landscape is not really their thing. We typically cease mowing operations this time of year for several reasons, decreasing light, photosynthesis slows down, retarded transpiration, plants consume water based upon the temperature, as temps rise the plant moves more water through its vascular system, decreased soil temperature which slows down root development and puts the microbial life into a dormant state (if there is any to be found). Let me state one thing very clearly so you can prepare next spring if this describes you,  prepare for a high start up cost next spring and most likely repair to the landscape for the lack of hydration. I have never been able to control the weather but I can be negligent and deprive the soil of hydration. This mindset of “turning off the light switch” for the winter is self destructive and is a very good way to blow a lot of money. Trust me the plant knows when it is time to go to bed and to think that we can control that is not healthy for you or the lawn. Routinely we hear every single spring, “Hey is that big brown spot in my lawn going to come back”? Nope. You haven’t watered in 7 months and we got less than a couple feet of snow over the winter (it doesn’t rain in the winter) and your lawn needed about 1/4″ to 1/3″ of water every single week since the middle of October and you have not gotten the hose out a single time. The plants have limits and you have tested that threshold, lets talk about replacing your lawn. All of this can be avoided. A little bit of water will save thousands of dollars in money. Please don’t be like this guy. We would rather help you save this train wreck of a mentality and put that wasted resources towards something more productive rather than just throwing it away to avoid a mowing. There is a better way to think…