Last Updated on April 17, 2024 by Brian Beck

It’s 2024 and we have been working on a system that improves the lawn in three different ways. We have recognized (back in 2017) that the system of maintaining a lawn was flawed and severely wasteful and people were giving up on their lawns. What I had witnessed the industry do was inefficient, wasteful and sometimes illogical in their approach to solving problems. I wanted more. That fall, there were two things that came into my universe, robotic mowing and the regenerative soil organic biological program. Since then we have been working on an irrigation system that can escape the problems associated with the traditional irrigation system all while eliminating soil dehydration, which is one of the biggest issues that we have with lawns.

Mowing with a gas powered mower has several limitations, the biggest one being that you have to be there. One of the other issues is the huge waste of energy (1 horsepower is equal to 745watts) it does not take but about 100watts to cut the tips of grass. Automated mowing should be viewed as a process of mowing an already lawn. That way the lawn is always cut and much much healthier.

The soil along the front range is very poor for several reasons, unhealthy pH (ph allows nutrients to get into the plant efficiently), lack of carbon or organic matter (The soil needs to be above 3% and it is routinely below 2.5%, even 2%, for every 1% increase in carbon the soil will hold over 600 gallons of water for every 1000 sqft, which is equal to an inch of rain that the soil can hold and store for later use), and compaction which is largely due to a lack of microbiology from the salts of synthetic fertilizers. All of this chaos and turmoil costs you big time when the rubber hits the road and you have to do extra work due to these inadequacies in the soil.

Irrigation systems can only operate 6 months out of the year but we have developed methods that enable the system to run for 9 months and soon another system that will allow irrigation systems to run for 12 months, regulating themselves to keep the soil hydrated and maintain continuity in the soil rather than playing catchup every spring, wasting money and begging for wasted money in the form of repair and replacement.

There is a better way. We have tied all of these areas together in a system that we call “The Trinity System”, a system that drives down the cost of a lawn, maintains consistency, reduces harmful substances, minimizes weeds and overall improves the quality and health of the lawn.

Give us a call, we have found a better way…