Last Updated on March 15, 2024 by Brian Beck

Its 2024 and your lawn is due for an upgrade. An upgrade, what does that mean? That means that everyone has been engaged in an archaic form of lawn maintenance that has been costing them a fortune (I wrote a blog about that right here)

So what does this system utilize that is so much better? It reduces cost, It eliminates unnecessary work, discourages weeds, maintains a fresh cut lawn everyday of the week, removes toxic chemicals, improves water consumption all while creating a better lawn that greens up earlier and stays greener longer. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. We have used our almost 30 years of experience wit the recent discoveries that we have uncovered since 2018 to produce a lawn that really works the way that you always wanted it to. It revolves around three key components:

Automated Mowing

A Biological System of Fertility

Smart Irrigation Technology

Automated Mowing, or Robotic Mowing has been in existence since 1995 but you would not know that as it has been maturing in Europe where it is a normal everyday occurrence. Robotic mowing is simply the autonomous automation of the lawn mowing. This method escapes most of the limiting factors and inefficiencies of the traditional system of mowing with a manned gas-powered mower. The end effect is that through the efficient manner in which the mowers operate they can impact the lawn, the customer and the environment in a very positive way.

The Biological system can be summed up as a system that replaces man-made synthetic chemicals that force feed plants and destroy soil biology with a system that uses organic nutrition that enlists microbial life that cycles resources both from the atmosphere and the soil into the plant and replaced the use of toxic substances with natural mechanisms that support a healthy system, just as it does in nature.

Smart Irrigation is simply a method of using an irrigation system that not only governs when it works but governs how and when it works and allowing an irrigation system to operate all year long without the obstacles faced by traditional irrigation systems that fail to keep the soil hydrated, a leading cost of lawn maintenance cost.

We have come a long way and you can tap into the innovation and advancements that we have achieved that yield for you a more efficient lawn that uses less resources and has far greater impact on the environment.

For more information on how to achieve lawn success, hit the link below: