Last Updated on August 29, 2023 by ILGM Ninjas

There are two methods that people use to maintain health in their lawn. One enables the soil to be healthy and the other one turns the soil against itself and ultimately you. We will contrast these two methods to examine how they work and more importantly what the ultimate costs are as they affect you and your overall enjoyment.

Synthetic. In a synthetic system, manmade chemicals are used to provide nutrition to the plant directly, bypassing the soil and providing cheap and fast delivery of nutrients. Due to the salts that are present in the soil, there is an effect on the microbiology in the soil, often leaving it ineffective or completely devoid of microbiology. The result of this is compaction of the soil, thick thatch production, loss of carbon in the soil which helps the soil hold water, increased disease, weed presence and lessened plant hardiness. While synthetics do their job they leave behind a wake of issues. Most of the complaints that people have about their lawn stem directly from the use of synthetics.

Biological. In a biological system, biology is used to feed and protect the plant. The primer is carbon, the energy of the soil and the prerequisite for microbiology. When healthy levels of microbiology are achieved, the relationship between the root and the soil is fulfilled and the natural process of nutrient utilization is achieved. In doing so the soil is naturally aerated, organic material is turned into nutrition, pH is balanced, water carrying capacity is maximized, thatch is kept in check and atmospheric nitrogen utilization is possible.

One system is proactive, and one system is reactive. One system improves the soil, and one harms it. One system is sustainable, and one is dependent. The backend of one system has a lot of issues that cost you more money and the other one has a diminished level of issues which saves time, money and aggravation. The choice is yours, choose wisely. We can show you how.