Last Updated on January 8, 2024 by Brian Beck

If you were alive anytime before November 26, 2003 you could have booked a flight on the Concorde which was a supersonic commercial aircraft that began flying across the Atlantic in early 1969. For about $20,000 in today’s dollars you could fly faster than fighter jet aircraft the entire breadth of the Atlantic Ocean. For several reasons, noise being one of them the Concorde was retired. With more thrust on the B-1 bomber it made quite the sound while in flight and the sonic boom was too much for some people. So where am I going with this and how does it relate to grass you might ask? Speed costs money. There is a proverbial sign hanging above every speed shop in America where the sign reads. These speed shops build engines that are high performance and high horsepower. A good platform demands for strong engine that is well engineered and hums beautifully as it drives down the road. The more the efficient the engine is the less energy it will require to operate.

The same rules apply to your lawn outside your front door. If you start with a good foundation, that being the soil you can achieve great progress with anything growing in it including turf lawns. If you correct the inadequacies, promote a healthy ecosystem a lawn can become incredibly efficient as it is working properly. The sad news is that lawns have been getting a bad rap lately. This is largely due to catastrophic failures and soils from the use of modern synthetic chemicals which have debilitated the soils microbiology which would normally suckle nutrients from the soil and the atmosphere into the plant. Not sure where we went off the rails with thinking that plants are evil and are consuming resources that would otherwise be used by human beings. I can assure you we have plenty of water on the planet, we just have a bad distribution system that is based on scarcity but that is another entire encyclopedia of ranting that I won’t go into here. Most of what people know in regards to taking care of the lawn is based upon poor science, bad habit, unfortunate tradition, mythology and sometimes good old-fashioned superstition. Once you are exposed to the facts you can open up a new universe of possibilities and set yourself free from the torture of the status quo. If you’d like to get some more information about what I’m talking about click the link below it we can get in touch with you and you can have a better lawn in 2024.